Three adjectives that best describe me: Selfish, pretty, vivacious
Favorite film: Gone with the Wind, The Thomas Crown Affair, The Graduate, American Beauty
Favorite TV show: The Sopranos. Sex and the City
Favorite actor: Pierce Brosnan, Kevin Spacey
Favorite actress: Sandra Bullock, Catherine Zeta-Jones
Favorite band: Sarah Brightman, Dave Matthews Band
Favorite hobbies: Putting on makeup, socializing, reading, singing, adoring Buckie
Personal hero: My Dad
Favorite film: Gone with the Wind, The Thomas Crown Affair, The Graduate, American Beauty
Favorite TV show: The Sopranos. Sex and the City
Favorite actor: Pierce Brosnan, Kevin Spacey
Favorite actress: Sandra Bullock, Catherine Zeta-Jones
Favorite band: Sarah Brightman, Dave Matthews Band
Favorite hobbies: Putting on makeup, socializing, reading, singing, adoring Buckie
Personal hero: My Dad
Why did you want to be on BIG BROTHER?
There are a number of reasons, but I think the primary reason would be the challenge.
What strengths do you bring to BIG BROTHER?
Too many to list! I think humor and beauty would be the top two.
What weaknesses do you bring to BIG BROTHER?
I tend to act like a five-year-old child when I don't get my way. I'm really spoiled.
What comfort item from home will you miss the most?
My Australian silky terrier. His name is Sir Oliver Buckingham (Buckie). He is like my child. I love him more than anything on the planet!
What type of news from the outside world will you miss the most?
Do you tend to perform better in physical or mental competitions?
I think I perform better in mental competitions.
How do you plan to win BIG BROTHER?
By being my wonderful self and getting everyone else kicked out first!
What is your biggest fear as you begin BIG BROTHER?
Isolation. It will be difficult not seeing my friends, family and, of course, Buckie. I also fear living out of one suitcase for three months.
What is your motto?
I never loved another person the way I loved myself. (Mae West)
There are a number of reasons, but I think the primary reason would be the challenge.
What strengths do you bring to BIG BROTHER?
Too many to list! I think humor and beauty would be the top two.
What weaknesses do you bring to BIG BROTHER?
I tend to act like a five-year-old child when I don't get my way. I'm really spoiled.
What comfort item from home will you miss the most?
My Australian silky terrier. His name is Sir Oliver Buckingham (Buckie). He is like my child. I love him more than anything on the planet!
What type of news from the outside world will you miss the most?
Do you tend to perform better in physical or mental competitions?
I think I perform better in mental competitions.
How do you plan to win BIG BROTHER?
By being my wonderful self and getting everyone else kicked out first!
What is your biggest fear as you begin BIG BROTHER?
Isolation. It will be difficult not seeing my friends, family and, of course, Buckie. I also fear living out of one suitcase for three months.
What is your motto?
I never loved another person the way I loved myself. (Mae West)
What was the most difficult aspect of being on BIG BROTHER?
Learning to handle people coming from entirely different backgrounds, with an entirely different set of values. That was the most difficult for me. In fact, I didn't really reach that point until the very end.
Did you play the game as you hoped you would, strategy-wise?
In all honesty, the word "strategy" is used so much, and it's really hard to go in and have this strict strategy, because the other people in the House really determine so many different things about how you play. So, once I got in there, it was all about just enjoying myself. And I did that.
What did you learn about yourself that surprised you?
I never saw myself as putting up all these shields that I put up. Everyone else pointed out so many things to me that I was willing to accept. Usually, when people tell me things about myself, I dismiss it, because I know myself better than anyone. But living in a house with people who are with you 24 hours a day, they see who you are. You can't hide. So learning about myself was the incredible part of the journey. I've learned that I don't trust anybody. I kind of knew that already, but I didn't realize how it affected me. I learned that I really don't pay attention to pain that I inflict on other people. I don't think I'll ever be quite as hateful or as selfish. I'll still be selfish--I can't help that--but I'll never be as selfish or as hateful as I've been in the past. I really think this was a major part of my growing up experience.
What personality trait is most important for winning this game?
It's not being honest with others. It's being able to be that person that everyone wants to open up to, everyone wants to tell their story to, everyone wants to tell their deep, dark secrets to. And I think Danielle is that person. I really hope she wins.
Which HouseGuest was the greatest threat to you, and why?
I didn't really look at anyone as being a threat. It was obvious that Chiara and I didn't really get along, but I didn't really look at her as any kind of threat. I just really didn't approve of a lot of things that she said and did.
What will the other HouseGuests remember you for?
Saying the number ten, cheese, Buckie and Hadley. Hadley is one of my best friends. One day in the House, we were throwing out stories, and I said, "Hadley and I…" and Roddy just took it. He said Hadley this, and Hadley that, and just went on and on with it. It stuck, and Hadley is the most common name used in that House, other than Mewitt.
What will BIG BROTHER fans remember you for?
I hope BIG BROTHER fans will remember me for who I am, but I'm afraid they'll remember me for negative things, especially because of the fights that everyone had. There was always this alcohol issue. I am not some raving lush lunatic. The whole deal was, if you'd taken cheese away from me…! I'm just used to having what I want when I want it. So it turned into a bigger deal than it was. If there's a limit on something, I want as much as I can get. It scared me the whole time. I thought, "Oh, God, I'm painted as the House lush." It really upset me.
Do you plan to keep in touch with any of the other HouseGuests after the show?
I plan to keep in touch with several of the HouseGuests after the show. Marcellas, obviously, Jason, Danielle, Josh, Roddy, Gerry. If I do ever go to New York, I will call Chiara and we will hang out. I hope to stay in touch with everybody, really. At the beginning, I didn't think I'd say that, but I really mean it now.
Who do you want to win, and why?
I want Danielle to win. She deserves it; she's the strongest, greatest woman I've ever met. She's been through so much, and she's so noble, and she just wants to buy a house. I think that's the sweetest thing, and the best use for that money.
Who do you think will win, and why?
I think Danielle will win, I really do. She's very much loved in the House.
What advice would you give to future BIG BROTHER HouseGuests?
Realize when you audition for this show, that if you make it and you're one of the HouseGuests, there's nothing you can hide. It will all come out in the wash. No matter how hard you try, no matter how you walk in there and say, "I'm not gonna tell this, I'm not gonna tell that, I won't approach this subject, I won't join in these conversations, you will. There will come a time that you will break and it will all come out.
If you could have any kind of cheese in the world, what kind would it be?
Colby! Lots of it!
Learning to handle people coming from entirely different backgrounds, with an entirely different set of values. That was the most difficult for me. In fact, I didn't really reach that point until the very end.
Did you play the game as you hoped you would, strategy-wise?
In all honesty, the word "strategy" is used so much, and it's really hard to go in and have this strict strategy, because the other people in the House really determine so many different things about how you play. So, once I got in there, it was all about just enjoying myself. And I did that.
What did you learn about yourself that surprised you?
I never saw myself as putting up all these shields that I put up. Everyone else pointed out so many things to me that I was willing to accept. Usually, when people tell me things about myself, I dismiss it, because I know myself better than anyone. But living in a house with people who are with you 24 hours a day, they see who you are. You can't hide. So learning about myself was the incredible part of the journey. I've learned that I don't trust anybody. I kind of knew that already, but I didn't realize how it affected me. I learned that I really don't pay attention to pain that I inflict on other people. I don't think I'll ever be quite as hateful or as selfish. I'll still be selfish--I can't help that--but I'll never be as selfish or as hateful as I've been in the past. I really think this was a major part of my growing up experience.
What personality trait is most important for winning this game?
It's not being honest with others. It's being able to be that person that everyone wants to open up to, everyone wants to tell their story to, everyone wants to tell their deep, dark secrets to. And I think Danielle is that person. I really hope she wins.
Which HouseGuest was the greatest threat to you, and why?
I didn't really look at anyone as being a threat. It was obvious that Chiara and I didn't really get along, but I didn't really look at her as any kind of threat. I just really didn't approve of a lot of things that she said and did.
What will the other HouseGuests remember you for?
Saying the number ten, cheese, Buckie and Hadley. Hadley is one of my best friends. One day in the House, we were throwing out stories, and I said, "Hadley and I…" and Roddy just took it. He said Hadley this, and Hadley that, and just went on and on with it. It stuck, and Hadley is the most common name used in that House, other than Mewitt.
What will BIG BROTHER fans remember you for?
I hope BIG BROTHER fans will remember me for who I am, but I'm afraid they'll remember me for negative things, especially because of the fights that everyone had. There was always this alcohol issue. I am not some raving lush lunatic. The whole deal was, if you'd taken cheese away from me…! I'm just used to having what I want when I want it. So it turned into a bigger deal than it was. If there's a limit on something, I want as much as I can get. It scared me the whole time. I thought, "Oh, God, I'm painted as the House lush." It really upset me.
Do you plan to keep in touch with any of the other HouseGuests after the show?
I plan to keep in touch with several of the HouseGuests after the show. Marcellas, obviously, Jason, Danielle, Josh, Roddy, Gerry. If I do ever go to New York, I will call Chiara and we will hang out. I hope to stay in touch with everybody, really. At the beginning, I didn't think I'd say that, but I really mean it now.
Who do you want to win, and why?
I want Danielle to win. She deserves it; she's the strongest, greatest woman I've ever met. She's been through so much, and she's so noble, and she just wants to buy a house. I think that's the sweetest thing, and the best use for that money.
Who do you think will win, and why?
I think Danielle will win, I really do. She's very much loved in the House.
What advice would you give to future BIG BROTHER HouseGuests?
Realize when you audition for this show, that if you make it and you're one of the HouseGuests, there's nothing you can hide. It will all come out in the wash. No matter how hard you try, no matter how you walk in there and say, "I'm not gonna tell this, I'm not gonna tell that, I won't approach this subject, I won't join in these conversations, you will. There will come a time that you will break and it will all come out.
If you could have any kind of cheese in the world, what kind would it be?
Colby! Lots of it!
If you could do BIG BROTHER over again, what would you do differently?
I think I would have left libations out of my stay in the BIG BROTHER House. It was magnified; it was escalated; it was turned into a whole huge ordeal when it really wasn't.
Would you have had a different strategy?
No. I can't even say that I had a strategy. That sounds so horrible, but really, when I went into the House, it was about the experience for me. I just wanted to enjoy it. I wanted to do something new and fun and exciting and something that not everyone gets a chance to do. I definitely accomplished that goal.
Since you've been out of the House, what is the most surprising thing you've heard?
My family and friends' reactions to certain HouseGuests. I was surprised about a lot of things. I watched some of the tapes last night, and I was even more surprised. The most shocking things that I've heard were things that came out of the HouseGuests' mouths about me. I guess that's part of it, and I know I said some pretty bad things, so I should have expected to have some pretty bad things said about me as well. But people smile in your face and stab you in the back at the same time.
Who would you like to see win, and why?
I would like to see Jason win. I am behind him 150 percent. I want Jason to win.
Who do you think will win?
I'm afraid that Danielle will win, but she won't win with the help of me. She's not getting my vote, after seeing some of her Diary Room sessions. She told me that that would happen with a lot of people, that they would see her Diary Room sessions and they wouldn't want to vote for her. I'm one of those people.
Which HouseGuests, if any, are you looking forward to talking with and seeing now that you're out of the House?
A couple of people. I want to talk to Josh. I never had a problem with Josh; he and I laughed a lot. I do want to talk to Marcellas: I think we have quite a bit to discuss. And I want to talk to Jason, and see Jason.
What are you going to do once BIG BROTHER 3 is over?
I'm just going to take a break for a month, at least, just kind of sit back and breathe. It has been a long, strange trip, and I think I need some time to relax and think about things and sort through it all and watch the tapes and clear my head, and then I'll just go from there. I'm just going to take it one day at a time and cross or burn bridges as I come to them.
What was your favorite moment in the BIG BROTHER House?
When I came back in; walking back in, being the first participant on any reality show ever to leave and then come back. That was such a huge moment for me.
What was your least favorite moment in the BIG BROTHER House?
The entire week that Roddy and I were on the block. That was a very emotional week for me because of the Veto and for all the reasons that have been so plainly shown during the show that week. That was just a very unpleasant week for me.
I think I would have left libations out of my stay in the BIG BROTHER House. It was magnified; it was escalated; it was turned into a whole huge ordeal when it really wasn't.
Would you have had a different strategy?
No. I can't even say that I had a strategy. That sounds so horrible, but really, when I went into the House, it was about the experience for me. I just wanted to enjoy it. I wanted to do something new and fun and exciting and something that not everyone gets a chance to do. I definitely accomplished that goal.
Since you've been out of the House, what is the most surprising thing you've heard?
My family and friends' reactions to certain HouseGuests. I was surprised about a lot of things. I watched some of the tapes last night, and I was even more surprised. The most shocking things that I've heard were things that came out of the HouseGuests' mouths about me. I guess that's part of it, and I know I said some pretty bad things, so I should have expected to have some pretty bad things said about me as well. But people smile in your face and stab you in the back at the same time.
Who would you like to see win, and why?
I would like to see Jason win. I am behind him 150 percent. I want Jason to win.
Who do you think will win?
I'm afraid that Danielle will win, but she won't win with the help of me. She's not getting my vote, after seeing some of her Diary Room sessions. She told me that that would happen with a lot of people, that they would see her Diary Room sessions and they wouldn't want to vote for her. I'm one of those people.
Which HouseGuests, if any, are you looking forward to talking with and seeing now that you're out of the House?
A couple of people. I want to talk to Josh. I never had a problem with Josh; he and I laughed a lot. I do want to talk to Marcellas: I think we have quite a bit to discuss. And I want to talk to Jason, and see Jason.
What are you going to do once BIG BROTHER 3 is over?
I'm just going to take a break for a month, at least, just kind of sit back and breathe. It has been a long, strange trip, and I think I need some time to relax and think about things and sort through it all and watch the tapes and clear my head, and then I'll just go from there. I'm just going to take it one day at a time and cross or burn bridges as I come to them.
What was your favorite moment in the BIG BROTHER House?
When I came back in; walking back in, being the first participant on any reality show ever to leave and then come back. That was such a huge moment for me.
What was your least favorite moment in the BIG BROTHER House?
The entire week that Roddy and I were on the block. That was a very emotional week for me because of the Veto and for all the reasons that have been so plainly shown during the show that week. That was just a very unpleasant week for me.
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