Three adjectives that best describe me: Fun loving, complex, full of emotion
Favorite film: As Good As It Gets
Favorite TV show: Friends, The Osbournes
Favorite actor: Jack Nicholson
Favorite actress: Meg Ryan
Favorite band: Remy Zero, The Calling
Favorite hobbies: Hiking, dancing, going to lunch with friends, reading, photography (my favorite)
Personal hero: Shirley Temple Black
Favorite film: As Good As It Gets
Favorite TV show: Friends, The Osbournes
Favorite actor: Jack Nicholson
Favorite actress: Meg Ryan
Favorite band: Remy Zero, The Calling
Favorite hobbies: Hiking, dancing, going to lunch with friends, reading, photography (my favorite)
Personal hero: Shirley Temple Black
Why did you want to be on BIG BROTHER?
I'm using Big Brother as a chance to get away and to meet new people whom I know nothing about and who know nothing about me. It's a chance for me to play around a bit, to have fun and to be mean if I have to without getting into trouble.
What strengths do you bring to BIG BROTHER?
I am a great team player who can get along with all types of people. You can't dislike me--you may want to try, but you won't--that will keep me in the house.
What weaknesses do you bring to BIG BROTHER?
Probably the intellectual competitions. I'm not the smartest cookie in the house, but I'm the tastiest! Street smart is a different story than book smart.
What comfort item from home will you miss the most?
My cat Herman. He's the love of my life, my bed buddy and I don't know how I'm going to sleep without him.
What type of news from the outside world will you miss the most?
The radio! I could care less about what's going on outside the House as far as current events go. But God forbid I miss a new good song. That's gonna kill me.
Do you tend to perform better in physical or mental competitions?
Physical competitions. I love being active and physical with everything I do. Mentally, I'm pretty good if it has to do with being creative, but I'm not a book smart girl.
How do you plan to win BIG BROTHER?
Everyone's gonna like me or love to hate me; that alone will keep me in the House. Then I'll just have to select who gets voted off when!
What is your biggest fear as you begin BIG BROTHER?
Being the first person evicted, Not gonna happen, but a little of that fear is there.
What is your motto?
Be happy and love myself first.
I'm using Big Brother as a chance to get away and to meet new people whom I know nothing about and who know nothing about me. It's a chance for me to play around a bit, to have fun and to be mean if I have to without getting into trouble.
What strengths do you bring to BIG BROTHER?
I am a great team player who can get along with all types of people. You can't dislike me--you may want to try, but you won't--that will keep me in the house.
What weaknesses do you bring to BIG BROTHER?
Probably the intellectual competitions. I'm not the smartest cookie in the house, but I'm the tastiest! Street smart is a different story than book smart.
What comfort item from home will you miss the most?
My cat Herman. He's the love of my life, my bed buddy and I don't know how I'm going to sleep without him.
What type of news from the outside world will you miss the most?
The radio! I could care less about what's going on outside the House as far as current events go. But God forbid I miss a new good song. That's gonna kill me.
Do you tend to perform better in physical or mental competitions?
Physical competitions. I love being active and physical with everything I do. Mentally, I'm pretty good if it has to do with being creative, but I'm not a book smart girl.
How do you plan to win BIG BROTHER?
Everyone's gonna like me or love to hate me; that alone will keep me in the House. Then I'll just have to select who gets voted off when!
What is your biggest fear as you begin BIG BROTHER?
Being the first person evicted, Not gonna happen, but a little of that fear is there.
What is your motto?
Be happy and love myself first.
BB3 Host: Hi Lisa! Thanks for being here, and congrats on being selected by the viewers for this live Chat!
Lisa: Thank you.
BB3 Host: Well we have tons of questions for you, Lisa, so let's get to as many as we can before you have to rejoin the other HouseGuests.
Lisa: OK. It's cool.
Ontario_Homie: If u win, what will u do with the money?
Lisa: Aah. With the money. Good question. I will buy my brother a car, even though now he's going to definitely hold me to it since it's being published. And I have lots of special gifts for lots of special people in my life.
lisaishot: Hey Lisa... would you ever pose for Playboy?
Lisa: Contrary to what I answered to one of the questions that was asked during the Head of Household competition, I don't think so, but you never know.
Amyl: How disappointed in the other three HouseGuests were you when you found out that they took the offer from Julie, which meant you could not talk to your family?
Lisa: I was absolutely devastated. I really thought that the four of us had bonded to a point where the money just wouldn't mean anything when compared to talking with the family, so I was really, really hurt and surprised.
Meems: Lisa, what are your real feelings for Eric, and do you miss him?
Lisa: I miss Eric incredibly so. He is a beautiful, great guy, and I can't wait to be able to hug him again.
Kaitlyn: Did anything ever happen between you and Roddy while he was in the House? If no, were you ever tempted?
Lisa: Wow. I did spend the second night in the House sleeping in the same bed as Roddy, and I guess the temptation was there the first night, but after the first night, no.
salesrep: Why don't you girls test Jason and do a lingerie show for him? Ha ha ha!
Lisa: I would love to give Jason a lingerie show if I knew he would watch, but that poor boy would probably run and lock himself in the bathroom.
evilwoman: Lisa, do you really think you can rely on someone else's alliance at this point or will you have to pull things off on your own?
Lisa: Woah. At this point in the game, yeah, I'm gonna rely on the alliance that Danielle and Jason and I have, but when I make it to the third person in this House, I'm gonna definitely have to stand on my own.
CountDown: At this point in the game, if you left today, what would be your favorite memory of the time in there and your least favorite memory?
Lisa: My favorite memory of being here would be when Eric spelled "Hi" in my peanut butter. My least favorite was when I found out that Chiara and Roddy had stabbed me in the back, especially considering I thought I had such a strong friendship with Chiara.
CountDown: Lisa, you think you could wear one of Jason's shirts one night to give us something to talk about?
Lisa: I will wear that shirt tonight with nothing else on underneath it. I promise.
kerry: What are some of your REAL feelings about the HouseGuests?
Lisa: Chiara: Crude, sometimes over-the-top, and I feel as though she doesn't quite respect the beliefs of others, as far as respecting Jason goes. Danielle: Beautiful, strong, independent, but sometimes a little bit threatening and scary. Roddy: A very strong and intelligent man that has beautiful, beautiful things to say, but unfortunately this House really makes you question how real a person he is. Amy: I think that she, underneath, is a very sad person and, unfortunately, very insecure. I guess for her I just hope that this place will make her realize how beautiful she is.
LisaIsAwesome: Lisa, do you think you have changed your outlook on life at all from your experience in the BB House?
Lisa: 100%. I have opened my eyes a little bit more to the fact that yes, BIG BROTHER 3 is a game, but it takes a special kind of person to play this game, and you can't help but understand that there's real people that play games outside of the House as well.
YouGoLisa: Tell the ladies your secrets on diet and exercise, 'cause you look great.
Lisa: I don't know if you're gonna want to hear this, but before I got into this House I would eat a lot of protein and a lot of water. Now that I'm in this House, I don't know how closely you're watching, but I all I do is stuff my face 24 hours a day with whatever good stuff I want to put in it.
canucklehead: Hi Lisa, what is the most undermining thing you've done in the House so far?
Lisa: I would think that'd have to be trying to become closer friends with Chiara than I was before I found out she'd stabbed me in the back. That was really hard.
sarah: What is the tattoo on your back, and what does it mean to you?
Lisa: My tattoo is a tattoo of wild orchids. Wild orchids are my favorite flower. It's purple because that's my grandmother's favorite color and I knew that would get me in less trouble with my father.
Meems: Lisa, what was your favorite competition? The sponge was the funniest.
Lisa: I'd have to say that my favorite competition was actually the very first one with the slime tank. I just think it was great that all these people were willing to get naked in front of complete and total strangers
nickname: Lisa, is Eric a good smoocher?
Lisa: The first kiss was actually pretty bad. But it got better the more we smooched. A lot better!
Ontario_Homie: Lisa, would u do us all a favor and give Jason a big kiss on the lips and tell him he is a great slave to have around?
Lisa: You know what? I'll give him a big kiss on the lips and then maybe I'll have Amy tell him he's a great slave to have around.
sept: Hello Lisa, I want you to know I am a big fan of yours. It seems like you have kept your integrity throughout most of the game, and I respect that. Is there any one thing in the game that you have done that you would want to change if given the opportunity?
Lisa: Yes. If given the opportunity, I would rather have listened to myself instead of Danielle when it came time to vote for Chiara and to vote for Roddy. I would have liked to give Chiara the two votes that she wanted and to give Roddy one vote, so that he knew that it wasn't personal.
lacycatherine: I think that each week since Eric has left you have become a stronger player. I think that you made a wonderful decision to keep Eric out. You are more focused. Based on that, do you regret your decision?
Lisa: Thank you so much for saying that. It makes me feel so much better. Not having Eric here definitely makes me feel like a stronger player. I only regret my decision because I know my vote wasn't the deciding factor. I know that he wouldn't have gotten back in the House, and I just hope that I didn't betray him by not voting for him.
danielle: When you found out that Chiara voted to evict you, you seemed pretty hurt. Have you forgiven her?
Lisa: I love Chiara outside of the game. I really hope that we can be friends when we get out of here, but inside the House, because what she did for game purposes, I can't forgive her for game purposes.
AlexaRae2: Hey Lisa! Your Diary Room comments on the last show about being suspicious of someone in the House were very interesting. Please tell us, is there anyone in the House right now who has shown their "true colors" to you lately? Thanks a LOT!
Lisa: True colors is a great phrase that we have come up with to describe what happens to people when they show themselves to you, but no other colors have really revealed themselves lately, I think mostly because we have a strong sense of who we are in the House with at this point in the game. It doesn't mean that I don't think there may be another secret alliance out there.
trapper: All the "dissing" you and Dani did yesterday (while Jason and Amy were gone)...do you think that will come back and bite you in the rear?
Lisa: We didn't "dis" anybody, did we? I honestly think there were stronger "dissing" moments in this House than just yesterday. I really think the discussion that Danielle and I did yesterday was really more about memories than about talking bad about people. I hope.
sueh: Lisa, I'm a "Lisa fan" and I'm definitely not male. I think there are a lot of females that are rooting for you, too! You've GOT to win HoH this week!
Lisa: [claps] I know that I have to win HoH this week, and you know what? If I don't, I'll be surprised. I have female fans!
santa: Lisa, are you glad you decided to participate in the BIG BROTHER House Game? What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about trying out for BB4?
Lisa: Anybody who is trying to go for BIG BROTHER 4 has to take advice from BIG BROTHER 3 and expect the unexpected and stay true to yourself. You can't lose sight of that; otherwise, you have nothing else to hold on to. Yes, I'm very glad to be here on BIG BROTHER 3.
LisaFanClubPrez: Lisa HI! I think you're a great role model with looks and personality. Do you think life will ever be the same when you get out of the House?
Lisa: I have a fan club president? I hope not! I would love it if my life changed when I got out of here. It can't get much worse than it was when I got in here.
Eric: Hi Lisa, It's Eric. Do you want me to come to greet you when it's time for you to leave the show. Are we still going to San Francisco?
Lisa: Yes! Please come and get me when it's time for me to leave the show. Yeah, we're going to San Francisco and a lot of other places, I hope. I miss you.
Eric: I miss you and I can't wait to see you!
BB3 Host: Unfortunately, our time with Lisa is up. Lisa, we've had a great time chatting with you, and thanks again for being with us today. Any final comments for the BIG BROTHER fans?
Lisa: Thank you so much for being my fans! You don't understand how unbelievable it is to know that you guys are out there. And thank you for giving me America's Choice, because I was getting a little lonely in here without any outlet to the outside. I'm really glad that you're my outside. Thank you thank you! Goodbye!
Lisa: Thank you.
BB3 Host: Well we have tons of questions for you, Lisa, so let's get to as many as we can before you have to rejoin the other HouseGuests.
Lisa: OK. It's cool.
Ontario_Homie: If u win, what will u do with the money?
Lisa: Aah. With the money. Good question. I will buy my brother a car, even though now he's going to definitely hold me to it since it's being published. And I have lots of special gifts for lots of special people in my life.
lisaishot: Hey Lisa... would you ever pose for Playboy?
Lisa: Contrary to what I answered to one of the questions that was asked during the Head of Household competition, I don't think so, but you never know.
Amyl: How disappointed in the other three HouseGuests were you when you found out that they took the offer from Julie, which meant you could not talk to your family?
Lisa: I was absolutely devastated. I really thought that the four of us had bonded to a point where the money just wouldn't mean anything when compared to talking with the family, so I was really, really hurt and surprised.
Meems: Lisa, what are your real feelings for Eric, and do you miss him?
Lisa: I miss Eric incredibly so. He is a beautiful, great guy, and I can't wait to be able to hug him again.
Kaitlyn: Did anything ever happen between you and Roddy while he was in the House? If no, were you ever tempted?
Lisa: Wow. I did spend the second night in the House sleeping in the same bed as Roddy, and I guess the temptation was there the first night, but after the first night, no.
salesrep: Why don't you girls test Jason and do a lingerie show for him? Ha ha ha!
Lisa: I would love to give Jason a lingerie show if I knew he would watch, but that poor boy would probably run and lock himself in the bathroom.
evilwoman: Lisa, do you really think you can rely on someone else's alliance at this point or will you have to pull things off on your own?
Lisa: Woah. At this point in the game, yeah, I'm gonna rely on the alliance that Danielle and Jason and I have, but when I make it to the third person in this House, I'm gonna definitely have to stand on my own.
CountDown: At this point in the game, if you left today, what would be your favorite memory of the time in there and your least favorite memory?
Lisa: My favorite memory of being here would be when Eric spelled "Hi" in my peanut butter. My least favorite was when I found out that Chiara and Roddy had stabbed me in the back, especially considering I thought I had such a strong friendship with Chiara.
CountDown: Lisa, you think you could wear one of Jason's shirts one night to give us something to talk about?
Lisa: I will wear that shirt tonight with nothing else on underneath it. I promise.
kerry: What are some of your REAL feelings about the HouseGuests?
Lisa: Chiara: Crude, sometimes over-the-top, and I feel as though she doesn't quite respect the beliefs of others, as far as respecting Jason goes. Danielle: Beautiful, strong, independent, but sometimes a little bit threatening and scary. Roddy: A very strong and intelligent man that has beautiful, beautiful things to say, but unfortunately this House really makes you question how real a person he is. Amy: I think that she, underneath, is a very sad person and, unfortunately, very insecure. I guess for her I just hope that this place will make her realize how beautiful she is.
LisaIsAwesome: Lisa, do you think you have changed your outlook on life at all from your experience in the BB House?
Lisa: 100%. I have opened my eyes a little bit more to the fact that yes, BIG BROTHER 3 is a game, but it takes a special kind of person to play this game, and you can't help but understand that there's real people that play games outside of the House as well.
YouGoLisa: Tell the ladies your secrets on diet and exercise, 'cause you look great.
Lisa: I don't know if you're gonna want to hear this, but before I got into this House I would eat a lot of protein and a lot of water. Now that I'm in this House, I don't know how closely you're watching, but I all I do is stuff my face 24 hours a day with whatever good stuff I want to put in it.
canucklehead: Hi Lisa, what is the most undermining thing you've done in the House so far?
Lisa: I would think that'd have to be trying to become closer friends with Chiara than I was before I found out she'd stabbed me in the back. That was really hard.
sarah: What is the tattoo on your back, and what does it mean to you?
Lisa: My tattoo is a tattoo of wild orchids. Wild orchids are my favorite flower. It's purple because that's my grandmother's favorite color and I knew that would get me in less trouble with my father.
Meems: Lisa, what was your favorite competition? The sponge was the funniest.
Lisa: I'd have to say that my favorite competition was actually the very first one with the slime tank. I just think it was great that all these people were willing to get naked in front of complete and total strangers
nickname: Lisa, is Eric a good smoocher?
Lisa: The first kiss was actually pretty bad. But it got better the more we smooched. A lot better!
Ontario_Homie: Lisa, would u do us all a favor and give Jason a big kiss on the lips and tell him he is a great slave to have around?
Lisa: You know what? I'll give him a big kiss on the lips and then maybe I'll have Amy tell him he's a great slave to have around.
sept: Hello Lisa, I want you to know I am a big fan of yours. It seems like you have kept your integrity throughout most of the game, and I respect that. Is there any one thing in the game that you have done that you would want to change if given the opportunity?
Lisa: Yes. If given the opportunity, I would rather have listened to myself instead of Danielle when it came time to vote for Chiara and to vote for Roddy. I would have liked to give Chiara the two votes that she wanted and to give Roddy one vote, so that he knew that it wasn't personal.
lacycatherine: I think that each week since Eric has left you have become a stronger player. I think that you made a wonderful decision to keep Eric out. You are more focused. Based on that, do you regret your decision?
Lisa: Thank you so much for saying that. It makes me feel so much better. Not having Eric here definitely makes me feel like a stronger player. I only regret my decision because I know my vote wasn't the deciding factor. I know that he wouldn't have gotten back in the House, and I just hope that I didn't betray him by not voting for him.
danielle: When you found out that Chiara voted to evict you, you seemed pretty hurt. Have you forgiven her?
Lisa: I love Chiara outside of the game. I really hope that we can be friends when we get out of here, but inside the House, because what she did for game purposes, I can't forgive her for game purposes.
AlexaRae2: Hey Lisa! Your Diary Room comments on the last show about being suspicious of someone in the House were very interesting. Please tell us, is there anyone in the House right now who has shown their "true colors" to you lately? Thanks a LOT!
Lisa: True colors is a great phrase that we have come up with to describe what happens to people when they show themselves to you, but no other colors have really revealed themselves lately, I think mostly because we have a strong sense of who we are in the House with at this point in the game. It doesn't mean that I don't think there may be another secret alliance out there.
trapper: All the "dissing" you and Dani did yesterday (while Jason and Amy were gone)...do you think that will come back and bite you in the rear?
Lisa: We didn't "dis" anybody, did we? I honestly think there were stronger "dissing" moments in this House than just yesterday. I really think the discussion that Danielle and I did yesterday was really more about memories than about talking bad about people. I hope.
sueh: Lisa, I'm a "Lisa fan" and I'm definitely not male. I think there are a lot of females that are rooting for you, too! You've GOT to win HoH this week!
Lisa: [claps] I know that I have to win HoH this week, and you know what? If I don't, I'll be surprised. I have female fans!
santa: Lisa, are you glad you decided to participate in the BIG BROTHER House Game? What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about trying out for BB4?
Lisa: Anybody who is trying to go for BIG BROTHER 4 has to take advice from BIG BROTHER 3 and expect the unexpected and stay true to yourself. You can't lose sight of that; otherwise, you have nothing else to hold on to. Yes, I'm very glad to be here on BIG BROTHER 3.
LisaFanClubPrez: Lisa HI! I think you're a great role model with looks and personality. Do you think life will ever be the same when you get out of the House?
Lisa: I have a fan club president? I hope not! I would love it if my life changed when I got out of here. It can't get much worse than it was when I got in here.
Eric: Hi Lisa, It's Eric. Do you want me to come to greet you when it's time for you to leave the show. Are we still going to San Francisco?
Lisa: Yes! Please come and get me when it's time for me to leave the show. Yeah, we're going to San Francisco and a lot of other places, I hope. I miss you.
Eric: I miss you and I can't wait to see you!
BB3 Host: Unfortunately, our time with Lisa is up. Lisa, we've had a great time chatting with you, and thanks again for being with us today. Any final comments for the BIG BROTHER fans?
Lisa: Thank you so much for being my fans! You don't understand how unbelievable it is to know that you guys are out there. And thank you for giving me America's Choice, because I was getting a little lonely in here without any outlet to the outside. I'm really glad that you're my outside. Thank you thank you! Goodbye!
Most wonderfull Article, Thanks for sharing!
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