Three adjectives that best describe me: Stylish, sexy, beautiful
Favorite film: Breakfast at Tiffany's
Favorite TV show: All the Law & Order franchise, except Criminal Intent.
Favorite actor: Tom Hanks, Jude Law
Favorite actress: Julia Roberts, Audrey Hepburn
Favorite band: Radiohead, Coldplay
Favorite hobbies: Reading, watching movies, spending massive amounts of time on the telephone
Personal hero: Be your own hero
Favorite film: Breakfast at Tiffany's
Favorite TV show: All the Law & Order franchise, except Criminal Intent.
Favorite actor: Tom Hanks, Jude Law
Favorite actress: Julia Roberts, Audrey Hepburn
Favorite band: Radiohead, Coldplay
Favorite hobbies: Reading, watching movies, spending massive amounts of time on the telephone
Personal hero: Be your own hero
Why did you want to be on BIG BROTHER?
First and foremost, the challenge. An unreal opportunity to do something so far-removed from myself. The chance to meet new people, and to claim my $500,000!
What strengths do you bring to BIG BROTHER?
My ego. My intelligence. My openness to new experiences. My sense of humor. My massive ego.
What weaknesses do you bring to BIG BROTHER?
My massive ego. My need for excitement. My intolerance of ignorance and meanness in others.
What comfort item from home will you miss the most?
My big screen TV! I'm like a junkie with cop shows. I can watch Law & Order reruns a million times!
What type of news from the outside world will you miss the most?
None, actually. Lately, the news has been so horrid that ignorance (to it) could be bliss.
Do you tend to perform better in physical or mental competitions?
I can be very lazy. Mental competitions, definitely. I'm also a little clumsy, and if I have to run, forget it! It's like, "Run, Black Forrest (Gump), run!"
How do you plan to win BIG BROTHER?
I intend to win by doing the unexpected in every situation. I intend to do whatever it takes to turn bad situations into positive situations in my favor. I want to be kind and truthful, but I will do everything and anything to be last man standing!
What is your biggest fear as you begin BIG BROTHER?
To come off as a stereotype. I can't help but feel some responsibility to my race, my family and friends to portray "us" in a favorable light.
What is your motto?
First one on the cover of Time wins!
First and foremost, the challenge. An unreal opportunity to do something so far-removed from myself. The chance to meet new people, and to claim my $500,000!
What strengths do you bring to BIG BROTHER?
My ego. My intelligence. My openness to new experiences. My sense of humor. My massive ego.
What weaknesses do you bring to BIG BROTHER?
My massive ego. My need for excitement. My intolerance of ignorance and meanness in others.
What comfort item from home will you miss the most?
My big screen TV! I'm like a junkie with cop shows. I can watch Law & Order reruns a million times!
What type of news from the outside world will you miss the most?
None, actually. Lately, the news has been so horrid that ignorance (to it) could be bliss.
Do you tend to perform better in physical or mental competitions?
I can be very lazy. Mental competitions, definitely. I'm also a little clumsy, and if I have to run, forget it! It's like, "Run, Black Forrest (Gump), run!"
How do you plan to win BIG BROTHER?
I intend to win by doing the unexpected in every situation. I intend to do whatever it takes to turn bad situations into positive situations in my favor. I want to be kind and truthful, but I will do everything and anything to be last man standing!
What is your biggest fear as you begin BIG BROTHER?
To come off as a stereotype. I can't help but feel some responsibility to my race, my family and friends to portray "us" in a favorable light.
What is your motto?
First one on the cover of Time wins!
What was the most difficult aspect of being on BIG BROTHER?
Having to put on swimsuits and run around for Competitions!
Did you play the game as you hoped you would, strategy-wise?
Strategy-wise, I did not play the game well. Emotionally, I played the game excellently: I led with my heart and my conscience.
Why did you choose not to use the Golden Veto to save yourself?
Ultimately, I thought it would have been a selfish act, and I tried to play the game unselfishly. In retrospect, it might have been fine to be a little selfish. Would I have been able to live with that? No! So it's easier to be noble and take the hit than it would have been to stay in the game, because I physically kept myself in the game.
What personality trait is most important for winning this game?
I think you have to be heartless to win this game. You have to have the ability to not feel, to have no empathy for anyone else. I think that's what it takes to win this game.
Knowing what you know now, would you have formed different alliances than you did on the show?
I would have gone to the end with Roddy. I would have accepted Roddy's deal, which I did not think was a deal because I never said "we have a deal" and we never shook hands. I would have accepted Roddy's deal, and I would have gotten rid of Danielle and Jason and everyone else. I would have taken Roddy to the end.
Which HouseGuest was the greatest threat to you, and why?
Ultimately, it was Danielle, but I always felt threatened by Danielle's relationship with Jason. I felt the most threatened by Jason's fanatical attachment to Danielle. So it was Jason. I felt Jason did really well during the Competitions. He was physically a challenge; we were both extreme competitors. I thought he was playing the game well on that front. Jason was the person I should have eliminated earlier. I kept him in because Danielle wanted him in.
What was your favorite moment in the BIG BROTHER House?
I had so many moments in the BIG BROTHER House! I'll do my top four. When I won the Head of Household the first time. To go from being on the block to have my nomination vetoed by Gerry to winning HoH was an unbelievable rush. The night when we invented duckball, when I was doing really badly at it, and I just threw myself into the pool. That was a Marcellus unscripted moment: microphone, bathrobe and all! I could barely get out of the pool with that wet bathrobe. The moment when Amy came back after being evicted was a huge moment for me, because I had prayed and cried for her to come back. Winning the America's Choice was an amazing moment, because nobody thought I had a chance. That showed me that America was watching and they cared.
Which HouseGuest would you most like to spend the night with in the HoH room?
Amy, and I did that with her. Amy and I would lie on the bed in the HoH and laugh and "cut up," as she says. They were some of my best moments in the House. I thought Amy was magnificent, so I treasure any moment I had alone with Amy.
Who would you like to see win, and why?
I would love to see Lisa win, because to me she's the least dirty person left in the House. She's the person who's done the least damage to people. Her journey within the House has been amazing, and I think she's a really nice girl at the core.
The person I would least like to see win is Danielle. Even though she did nothing directly to me, now I know who she truly is and was. I don't think that was how everyone in this game wanted to play the game. We were trying to get rid of this. Little did we know that she was the biggest evil in the House. I don't like people who are evil and mean and cloak it in "I'm a mother; my father's a reverend; I'm religious." To me, the passages that I read in the Bible were all about riches: if you win this, and you get this money, you can still be decrepit. To me, that's what she is. Revelations 3:17, girl, read it!
Who do you think will win?
Jason and Danielle have an amazing, powerful coalition. They'll be the final two, and people will vote for Jason over Danielle, and Jason will win. Jason deserves to win, because he played the game better than Danielle did; he played it with a higher moral code than she did. I knew that Jason wanted to go to the end with Danielle. I was fine with that. I wanted to go to the end with Danielle, so I understood. He wanted to go to the end with her for the right reasons. He wanted to see her win the money.
I'm fine with Jason nominating me, and I'm fine with Jason evicting me, because I said from Day One that I don't want people evicting me for the wrong reasons. Evict me because you think that I can win. If Jason looked at me and thought I was a threat, he was smart, and it was a smart thing to do at that moment. My mistake was underestimating Danielle. I never underestimated Jason: I knew that if he'd had the opportunity to let me go, he would. I knew what to expect from him; I did not expect Danielle to vote against me.
What advice would you give to future BIG BROTHER HouseGuests?
You have to absolutely, positively be true to yourself. No amount of money is worth your dignity, or your self-respect, or is worth sacrificing your moral code. Be a hundred percent true to yourself, and even if you don't win, you'll still feel good. That's the victory. The victory is not the money; it's being true to yourself.
What's next for you?
I want to stay svelte; I was 152 pounds on the scale this morning. I want to live my life better than I lived it before. I love my life! I loved my life before, and I love my family and my friends and everything. But now I have so much more respect for myself and the people who are in my life, and now I want to live every single moment better and bigger and more and more of them. I want to tell everybody I love that I love them. I want to meet new people and tell them that I love them. I just want to live every single moment. I don't want to sleep ever again. I want to be up and out and doing things feeling things and meeting people and having new experiences, and I'm going to be open to everything.
Having to put on swimsuits and run around for Competitions!
Did you play the game as you hoped you would, strategy-wise?
Strategy-wise, I did not play the game well. Emotionally, I played the game excellently: I led with my heart and my conscience.
Why did you choose not to use the Golden Veto to save yourself?
Ultimately, I thought it would have been a selfish act, and I tried to play the game unselfishly. In retrospect, it might have been fine to be a little selfish. Would I have been able to live with that? No! So it's easier to be noble and take the hit than it would have been to stay in the game, because I physically kept myself in the game.
What personality trait is most important for winning this game?
I think you have to be heartless to win this game. You have to have the ability to not feel, to have no empathy for anyone else. I think that's what it takes to win this game.
Knowing what you know now, would you have formed different alliances than you did on the show?
I would have gone to the end with Roddy. I would have accepted Roddy's deal, which I did not think was a deal because I never said "we have a deal" and we never shook hands. I would have accepted Roddy's deal, and I would have gotten rid of Danielle and Jason and everyone else. I would have taken Roddy to the end.
Which HouseGuest was the greatest threat to you, and why?
Ultimately, it was Danielle, but I always felt threatened by Danielle's relationship with Jason. I felt the most threatened by Jason's fanatical attachment to Danielle. So it was Jason. I felt Jason did really well during the Competitions. He was physically a challenge; we were both extreme competitors. I thought he was playing the game well on that front. Jason was the person I should have eliminated earlier. I kept him in because Danielle wanted him in.
What was your favorite moment in the BIG BROTHER House?
I had so many moments in the BIG BROTHER House! I'll do my top four. When I won the Head of Household the first time. To go from being on the block to have my nomination vetoed by Gerry to winning HoH was an unbelievable rush. The night when we invented duckball, when I was doing really badly at it, and I just threw myself into the pool. That was a Marcellus unscripted moment: microphone, bathrobe and all! I could barely get out of the pool with that wet bathrobe. The moment when Amy came back after being evicted was a huge moment for me, because I had prayed and cried for her to come back. Winning the America's Choice was an amazing moment, because nobody thought I had a chance. That showed me that America was watching and they cared.
Which HouseGuest would you most like to spend the night with in the HoH room?
Amy, and I did that with her. Amy and I would lie on the bed in the HoH and laugh and "cut up," as she says. They were some of my best moments in the House. I thought Amy was magnificent, so I treasure any moment I had alone with Amy.
Who would you like to see win, and why?
I would love to see Lisa win, because to me she's the least dirty person left in the House. She's the person who's done the least damage to people. Her journey within the House has been amazing, and I think she's a really nice girl at the core.
The person I would least like to see win is Danielle. Even though she did nothing directly to me, now I know who she truly is and was. I don't think that was how everyone in this game wanted to play the game. We were trying to get rid of this. Little did we know that she was the biggest evil in the House. I don't like people who are evil and mean and cloak it in "I'm a mother; my father's a reverend; I'm religious." To me, the passages that I read in the Bible were all about riches: if you win this, and you get this money, you can still be decrepit. To me, that's what she is. Revelations 3:17, girl, read it!
Who do you think will win?
Jason and Danielle have an amazing, powerful coalition. They'll be the final two, and people will vote for Jason over Danielle, and Jason will win. Jason deserves to win, because he played the game better than Danielle did; he played it with a higher moral code than she did. I knew that Jason wanted to go to the end with Danielle. I was fine with that. I wanted to go to the end with Danielle, so I understood. He wanted to go to the end with her for the right reasons. He wanted to see her win the money.
I'm fine with Jason nominating me, and I'm fine with Jason evicting me, because I said from Day One that I don't want people evicting me for the wrong reasons. Evict me because you think that I can win. If Jason looked at me and thought I was a threat, he was smart, and it was a smart thing to do at that moment. My mistake was underestimating Danielle. I never underestimated Jason: I knew that if he'd had the opportunity to let me go, he would. I knew what to expect from him; I did not expect Danielle to vote against me.
What advice would you give to future BIG BROTHER HouseGuests?
You have to absolutely, positively be true to yourself. No amount of money is worth your dignity, or your self-respect, or is worth sacrificing your moral code. Be a hundred percent true to yourself, and even if you don't win, you'll still feel good. That's the victory. The victory is not the money; it's being true to yourself.
What's next for you?
I want to stay svelte; I was 152 pounds on the scale this morning. I want to live my life better than I lived it before. I love my life! I loved my life before, and I love my family and my friends and everything. But now I have so much more respect for myself and the people who are in my life, and now I want to live every single moment better and bigger and more and more of them. I want to tell everybody I love that I love them. I want to meet new people and tell them that I love them. I just want to live every single moment. I don't want to sleep ever again. I want to be up and out and doing things feeling things and meeting people and having new experiences, and I'm going to be open to everything.
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