Three adjectives that best describe me: Zealous, approachable, perceptive
Favorite film: Scarface
Favorite TV show: Saturday Night Live
Favorite actor: Al Pacino
Favorite actress: Sandra Bullock
Favorite band: All types of music, except hard acid rock
Favorite hobbies: Biking with Mark, going to the beach with my kids, just talking with my best friend Cathy
Personal hero: My Mom
Favorite film: Scarface
Favorite TV show: Saturday Night Live
Favorite actor: Al Pacino
Favorite actress: Sandra Bullock
Favorite band: All types of music, except hard acid rock
Favorite hobbies: Biking with Mark, going to the beach with my kids, just talking with my best friend Cathy
Personal hero: My Mom
Why did you want to be on BIG BROTHER?
I saw an opportunity to secure my financial future and the future of my children as well (Invested wisely, of course!), Show me the $$$!
What strengths do you bring to BIG BROTHER?
I bring into this game a positive attitude, a strong belief that each challenge, both mental and physical, is simply a test. You see, we can't always expect things to go exactly the way we'd like them to all the time. It's how we conduct ourselves through these challenges.
What weaknesses do you bring to BIG BROTHER?
I'm very passionate about things I truly believe in. Therefore, my approach to others is sometimes perceived as intimidating. I'm sorry for them!
What comfort item from home will you miss the most?
I love my music, especially in the early morning. It sets a great tone for my day!
What type of news from the outside world will you miss the most?
The everyday goings-on of the people I love. I'm going in with the mindset that everyone is just fine. I pray that they're taking care of themselves and of each other. Stay well--I'm counting on it!
Do you tend to perform better in physical or mental competitions?
I'm not sure, probably mental. I tend to lean toward independent physical activity. My schedule is busy, so I don't usually commit to any sort of "league" sports. We'll have to wait and see. I'll give it all I've got!
How do you plan to win BIG BROTHER?
As I said, my approach can sometimes be strong. I plan to mesh the first week. Let them get to know my softer side first. From there, I'll take each situation as it comes and trust me, I'll handle it!
What is your biggest fear as you begin BIG BROTHER?
My biggest fear is that I'll be nominated for eviction the first week. What a way that would be to start! If it happens, I have a week to win them over. That's the plus side.
What is your motto?
I'm here for a good time, not a long time.
I saw an opportunity to secure my financial future and the future of my children as well (Invested wisely, of course!), Show me the $$$!
What strengths do you bring to BIG BROTHER?
I bring into this game a positive attitude, a strong belief that each challenge, both mental and physical, is simply a test. You see, we can't always expect things to go exactly the way we'd like them to all the time. It's how we conduct ourselves through these challenges.
What weaknesses do you bring to BIG BROTHER?
I'm very passionate about things I truly believe in. Therefore, my approach to others is sometimes perceived as intimidating. I'm sorry for them!
What comfort item from home will you miss the most?
I love my music, especially in the early morning. It sets a great tone for my day!
What type of news from the outside world will you miss the most?
The everyday goings-on of the people I love. I'm going in with the mindset that everyone is just fine. I pray that they're taking care of themselves and of each other. Stay well--I'm counting on it!
Do you tend to perform better in physical or mental competitions?
I'm not sure, probably mental. I tend to lean toward independent physical activity. My schedule is busy, so I don't usually commit to any sort of "league" sports. We'll have to wait and see. I'll give it all I've got!
How do you plan to win BIG BROTHER?
As I said, my approach can sometimes be strong. I plan to mesh the first week. Let them get to know my softer side first. From there, I'll take each situation as it comes and trust me, I'll handle it!
What is your biggest fear as you begin BIG BROTHER?
My biggest fear is that I'll be nominated for eviction the first week. What a way that would be to start! If it happens, I have a week to win them over. That's the plus side.
What is your motto?
I'm here for a good time, not a long time.
What was the most difficult aspect of being on BIG BROTHER?
The most difficult aspect was the manipulation involved, the going from one group of people to another group of people. A sort of paranoia sets in. It became a game against my own conscience, and I had to stick to who I truly am in order to stay sane. It's a tough battle in there, and there are going to be a lot of people hurt. I'm glad to be out when I'm out. I've actually been thinking about it the last few days, thinking, "If I get out now, it's less bases I have to cover down the road."
Did you play the game as you hoped you would, strategy-wise?
Absolutely. I played the game, and I was able to throw a little spice in. The fact that they made me a part of an alliance before I even knew I was a part of it, without giving me the choice, is what really, really flipped me up. I am a rebel, and when anyone tries to control me, it sends me through the roof. That was the first mistake that I made, was to be my true self and give them my natural reaction to that. But I have no regrets at all. It's who I am.
What did you learn about yourself that surprised you?
I can honestly tell you that I'm the same person walking out of that House as I was walking in. I've learned that people aren't always kind, but I already knew that. I've learned that they can be downright nasty rats, nasty, nasty, nasty, nasty! But you know what? I am strong and I like who I am, so let them be nasty. They'll be more hurt in the end. I'm all right with who I am.
What personality trait is most important for winning this game?
You have to be one manipulative, nasty piece of work in order to get further into this game. There is no way, with my children watching-and I told them to know the difference between fiction and reality-but you know what? I can't even do that. It's just not my nature, not my style. Let them have it. Eat it up! I'm outa here.
Which HouseGuest was the greatest threat to you, and why?
The greatest threat was probably Josh, only because I caught Josh in a few little instances where he would claim to know who my next opponent was going to be, when in actuality he knew nothing. At least I was onto him earlier than I could have been. But Josh is one smooth player. Smooth like sandpaper is what he says, and it's very, very true, bless his ever-lovin' heart. He's got one; there is a heart in there. I've seen it when he's spoken. But not for now: it's temporarily lost.
What will the other HouseGuests remember you for?
They will probably remember me for my temper. I tend to veer towards the underdog; the one who's being pushed out, I tend to take in. Then I say boo on the rest of them! I feel sorry for people who are getting picked on, and I'm not going to stand there and let them pick on people like that. They can pick on me all they want, but if I hear them picking on someone about petty little things like that, uh-uh. They're gonna get it, and they're gonna get it hard. That's just the way I live my life. I'm okay with that.
What will BIG BROTHER fans remember you for?
You know, I'm not sure what the BIG BROTHER fans are going to remember me for. I have no idea how I've been perceived, I have no idea what they've seen, so I can't answer that question. I hope it's for the energy a 37-year-old woman can have. I think I have a lot more energy than those younger girls did, as far as competitions went.
Do you plan to keep in touch with any of the other HouseGuests after the show?
Absolutely not! If I were to see Gerry somewhere down the road-I don't know how that would even happen-they are in this for a game, and that is the only reason they are there. When I said it's been great getting to know you guys-or do I know you?-that's just the way it is. That's the reality of this: this is a television show for entertainment purposes. I know who my friends are and my family is and I am still in that place.
Who do you want to win, and why?
I would love to see Gerry win the game for his stand that he took: I believe he took a genuine stand in front of America. I believe his conscience got to him in a big way for the things that he had said. I was so moved by what he did. I think it takes such man to do something like that. How could I be upset with a man who made a move like that? I just can't, so I'd love to see Gerry win.
Who do you think will win, and why?
Unfortunately, I don't believe Gerry is going to win this game. I think they're going to chew him up, spit him out and kick him to the curb as soon as they possibly can. I can honestly tell you that I don't know who I want to win this game. Danielle is a sweetheart. She may have been in on the alliance at first, but I believe she's got a true heart. I think motherhood might do that. But she's got a genuine sense of herself, in love and friendship, and I believe in her. I believe that if she were near me in real life, she would be a friend, so I would hope for her.
What advice would you give to future BIG BROTHER HouseGuests?
Don't do it! Don't do it! Just kidding. If they're going to into that House and truly try to play this game, you truly have to step out of who you are. If you live your life trying to do right, which I know that everyone does, you have to be able to be an actor or an actress and be able to play it well. Cover all your bases before you go in, because you don't know how you're going to be perceived. That was one of my concerns. I was heartbroken when I met everyone and found out how downright nasty they all were. But I'm really glad about it, because I know what I stood for in there. I feel good about that.
What are your final words to the BIG BROTHER audience?
I don't know that I have any fans, because I've been quite a hothead, but I was truly who I was. So if they can take me at face value, that's the person that they would meet in the outside world as well.
The most difficult aspect was the manipulation involved, the going from one group of people to another group of people. A sort of paranoia sets in. It became a game against my own conscience, and I had to stick to who I truly am in order to stay sane. It's a tough battle in there, and there are going to be a lot of people hurt. I'm glad to be out when I'm out. I've actually been thinking about it the last few days, thinking, "If I get out now, it's less bases I have to cover down the road."
Did you play the game as you hoped you would, strategy-wise?
Absolutely. I played the game, and I was able to throw a little spice in. The fact that they made me a part of an alliance before I even knew I was a part of it, without giving me the choice, is what really, really flipped me up. I am a rebel, and when anyone tries to control me, it sends me through the roof. That was the first mistake that I made, was to be my true self and give them my natural reaction to that. But I have no regrets at all. It's who I am.
What did you learn about yourself that surprised you?
I can honestly tell you that I'm the same person walking out of that House as I was walking in. I've learned that people aren't always kind, but I already knew that. I've learned that they can be downright nasty rats, nasty, nasty, nasty, nasty! But you know what? I am strong and I like who I am, so let them be nasty. They'll be more hurt in the end. I'm all right with who I am.
What personality trait is most important for winning this game?
You have to be one manipulative, nasty piece of work in order to get further into this game. There is no way, with my children watching-and I told them to know the difference between fiction and reality-but you know what? I can't even do that. It's just not my nature, not my style. Let them have it. Eat it up! I'm outa here.
Which HouseGuest was the greatest threat to you, and why?
The greatest threat was probably Josh, only because I caught Josh in a few little instances where he would claim to know who my next opponent was going to be, when in actuality he knew nothing. At least I was onto him earlier than I could have been. But Josh is one smooth player. Smooth like sandpaper is what he says, and it's very, very true, bless his ever-lovin' heart. He's got one; there is a heart in there. I've seen it when he's spoken. But not for now: it's temporarily lost.
What will the other HouseGuests remember you for?
They will probably remember me for my temper. I tend to veer towards the underdog; the one who's being pushed out, I tend to take in. Then I say boo on the rest of them! I feel sorry for people who are getting picked on, and I'm not going to stand there and let them pick on people like that. They can pick on me all they want, but if I hear them picking on someone about petty little things like that, uh-uh. They're gonna get it, and they're gonna get it hard. That's just the way I live my life. I'm okay with that.
What will BIG BROTHER fans remember you for?
You know, I'm not sure what the BIG BROTHER fans are going to remember me for. I have no idea how I've been perceived, I have no idea what they've seen, so I can't answer that question. I hope it's for the energy a 37-year-old woman can have. I think I have a lot more energy than those younger girls did, as far as competitions went.
Do you plan to keep in touch with any of the other HouseGuests after the show?
Absolutely not! If I were to see Gerry somewhere down the road-I don't know how that would even happen-they are in this for a game, and that is the only reason they are there. When I said it's been great getting to know you guys-or do I know you?-that's just the way it is. That's the reality of this: this is a television show for entertainment purposes. I know who my friends are and my family is and I am still in that place.
Who do you want to win, and why?
I would love to see Gerry win the game for his stand that he took: I believe he took a genuine stand in front of America. I believe his conscience got to him in a big way for the things that he had said. I was so moved by what he did. I think it takes such man to do something like that. How could I be upset with a man who made a move like that? I just can't, so I'd love to see Gerry win.
Who do you think will win, and why?
Unfortunately, I don't believe Gerry is going to win this game. I think they're going to chew him up, spit him out and kick him to the curb as soon as they possibly can. I can honestly tell you that I don't know who I want to win this game. Danielle is a sweetheart. She may have been in on the alliance at first, but I believe she's got a true heart. I think motherhood might do that. But she's got a genuine sense of herself, in love and friendship, and I believe in her. I believe that if she were near me in real life, she would be a friend, so I would hope for her.
What advice would you give to future BIG BROTHER HouseGuests?
Don't do it! Don't do it! Just kidding. If they're going to into that House and truly try to play this game, you truly have to step out of who you are. If you live your life trying to do right, which I know that everyone does, you have to be able to be an actor or an actress and be able to play it well. Cover all your bases before you go in, because you don't know how you're going to be perceived. That was one of my concerns. I was heartbroken when I met everyone and found out how downright nasty they all were. But I'm really glad about it, because I know what I stood for in there. I feel good about that.
What are your final words to the BIG BROTHER audience?
I don't know that I have any fans, because I've been quite a hothead, but I was truly who I was. So if they can take me at face value, that's the person that they would meet in the outside world as well.
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